Monday, September 29, 2008

Blogger Mark Getting Help

Those of you who have been following Mark's story will be relieved to know that folks on the local scene are now aware of his situation and will move ahead to help him.

Thanks be to God!


  1. Thanks be to God! Continued prayers.

  2. AMEN! That is great, prayers continue.

    Thank you God.

  3. I'm so glad to read that. I'll say more prayers.

  4. Oh thank goodness. Thanks for the update, Mimi. I had fallen out of touch with Mark. :(

  5. Thanks be to Godde! And thanks to you, Mimi. Prayers continue for Mark.

  6. Thank you everyone, and please take my profoundest apologies.

    I honestly did not want you worrying over me, but did want to convey how serious this student loan thing is, especially as a new school year starts up.

    Understand that this is not depression. I feel quite well, quite positive, and quite clear about my inability if I should happen to fall between the cracks. That said, I have no intention of dying, or of committing suicide.

    Indeed, the situation is much worse, at current, because a deposit went missing from work this weekend, and I am the prime suspect. Still, worried though I am, I have a desire to live.

    Please don't worry.

    Especially you, Mimi, as you have much more important things to worry about.

  7. Mark, thanks for your words. I'm relieved to hear that you do not want to die. I was concerned, Mark, and I will be again if you write words of despair.

    I believe that many of us know the burden that student loans place on young people. We should, as a country, find a way to give financial help to those trying to get an education.

    Now, we'll pray for a satisfactory solution to your problem at work. Let me hear from you again as to how that works out.

    I send love and prayers to you, Mark.

  8. Thanks again, Mimi.

    As of yet, there is not a full-on conclusion at work, however the general manager assured me that she knows I am not responsible for the missing money, and that she will make that clear to the owner if there are any such implications. Like me, she was hoping there was some answer, however unlikely, other than theft. I am still hoping that she'll tell me in the morning that the deposit was found, or deposited during the weekend.


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