Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Report

We have power in New Roads, LA. Yay! The electricity came on last night while I was talking to Fran, but then it went off after a minute or so. I took that as a portent of good things to come, and, indeed, after an hour or so, the power came back on and stayed on, thanks be to God and the hardworking utility employees.

Still no power in Thibodaux, so I'll stay here for a while. My son who lives in Houma found his house in good shape, but for the two ventilating turbines blown off. However, there were no leaks as a result. My DIL's parents and her sister returned to Houma this morning, planning to stay. It's just DIL and me for now, and it's nice and quiet. I'm on my fourth wash load of towels, clothes, etc. It's good to be back in business.

I'm more grateful than I can say for all the prayers and good wishes. I speak the truth when I say that they provided strength and encouragement during the scary times. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I have the best commenters on the intertubes.

I have not been much in touch with the outside world, but I did watch part of McSame's acceptance speech. I didn't think much of it. I loved his line about Obama wanting to put a bureaucracy between you and your health care. I wonder how he feels about his own access to health care through the Senate. Does he spurn it? A lot of folks would like access to health care like yours, Senator, bureaucracy and all. Big applause for that line . I guess those folks are all well covered. The crowd was very white. If people of color were there, the camera did not focus on them, except for a brief pan of a Vietnamese for McBush crowd.

Sarah Palin was a very poor choice as candidate for VP. What was the 72 year old candidate thinking, or was he thinking? Of course, the plan is to bring out the fundamentalist vote for McWorse, and this may well do it. And the Repubs say that Obama does not have experience! I consider myself a feminist, but women do not get a pass from me, just because they are women. Sarah is NMKOW. She's pretty much a disaster of a choice. Women can be strong without guns and liking moose for dinner!

When we had our talks with our teenage children, we gave them the facts, including birth control information, and our advice on how they should conduct themselves, bearing in mind that they may not heed our advice. We said that if they were underage and a pregnancy occurred, that there would be no wedding, but we told the boys that they would have to take responsibility if there was a baby. So what does this little family vignette have to do with the subject of the post? It's pertinent, or it's not. Take your pick.

Again, thank you for your care and concern. Mwah! Mwah! Virtual hugs all around, except for those of you who don't like hugging.


  1. Oh so very glad to hear that Tom Edison has returned to New Roads, Mimi.

    And, gee golly yes -- the Republicans were awful! (I have stronger language but I'm trying to taper off)

  2. Glad you are back, Mimi. We missed you. Also glad to see a typically trenchant yet sensible take on the political doings.

    I completely agree, the sexist thing is not the criticism of sarah Palin, it's the assumption that the criticism of Sarah Palin is sexist!


  3. Glad you're "back." And if anyone doesn't want their Mimi hugs, you can give 'em to me! :)

  4. Oh, your family talk is pertinent, all right!

    So glad everyone came through the storm safely. Heckuva job, Mimi!!!

  5. Relieved that all is much better than might be expected, Mimi! Prayers continue, however, as not all were so lucky.

    Of course Obama wants to put a bureaucracy between me and health care. McCain doesn't want the bureaucracy because he doesn't think people should have health care they don't pay for directly.

    If he were a real Republican, he would realize that part of the problem with the expense is our lack of adequate health care for all. What is available is extremely expensive because much is based on an emergency situation, not continuing health maintenance.

    The RidX commercial most of you probably don't see applies here. It's better to maintain the system than to let it go and have an expensive repair.

  6. So relieved to know things are coming about okay for you. Whew.

    I was in Houston some years ago (I was probably 7) for Hurricane Carla and it was unbelieveable.

    Thank you God for protecting and caring for your people!

  7. Mimi: Glad to see you have power!

    One thing about you that worries me though, is that everyday you seem to be washing towels. Since you only use them when you are clean, why do you need to ever wash them?

  8. I'm so relieved everything is getting back to normal and that you are all safe and your houses intact.
    Thanks for the hug, I LOVED it and herewith hug you too.

  9. Oh so glad you got the power back. I just hate it when it goes out. We get that some here during the winter. You never realize until then just how much you rely on it. How did they do it back in them olden days? LOL. Yes Johnny Mac was horrid by every account I have read. Palin continues to please the base immensely, but I'm not sure she is garnering support among the Independents. Crossing fingers on that one. Hope you get back home soon!

  10. Mwah! Mwah! backatcha, dear Mimi. First time on blog for a while on this end. Meant to phone you last three days but life got nuts. SO glad to hear things are looking up!

    I will withhold comment on the Repubs so as not to unsettle my appetite before dinner. I'm going into denial now for at least an hour.

    Love and prayers to you!

  11. Mimi, I am glad to see you are safe and getting back to normal. A while back you were thinking about cutting way back on your blogging. See how many of us read you and care about you? You can NEVER quit!

  12. Glad to hear you're doing well. And good points about the GOP.

  13. Glad you are back and safe, Mimi!

  14. You make a lot of sense Mimi. Glad you're back even if it's in an abreviated form.


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