Friday, September 26, 2008

More Drama Than Duty?

From Sam Stein, quoting a Democratic congressional staff member, at The Huffington Post on McCain's contribution to the negotiations for a bailout:

But if the party was looking for leadership, it did not find it in its presidential nominee. Sen. John McCain, who on Wednesday said he was leaving the campaign trail to help steer a bailout proposal, may have just exacerbated the problems.

His arrival on Capitol Hill came shortly after the initial compromise was announced. And his presence at a White House meeting later in the day produced more confusion than results. Shortly after McCain convened with the president, Sen. Barack Obama, Treasury Secretary Paulson and congressional leaders, his campaign seemingly criticized all parties involved.

"Bush is no diplomat," said a Democratic staffer, "but he's Cardinal freaking Richelieu compared to McCain. McCain couldn't negotiate an agreement on dinner among a family of four without making a big drama with himself at the heroic center of it. And then they'd all just leave to make themselves a sandwich."

Oh no! Say it ain't so!

Thanks to Roger.


  1. So much for putting "country first," as they say. And the sad thing, the dude has no idea which side he's going to play here. They are still trying to decide which side will be most helpful to garnering votes in November. He is pathetic.

  2. AFA, the Republican party is such a mess that, as McCain tries to appease one segment of the party, he inevitably alienates another.


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