Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Action Figure

With many thanks to my good friend Ann for finding this one.


  1. Me too. My husband gave me this for Christmas a couple of years ago.

  2. Ruth, a real one? Oooh, I'm jealous.

    Lapin, it's the spitting image of me, don't you think?

    Fran, this gift reminds me of the help that I get to put this modest endeavor together. I couldn't get by without a little help from my friends.

  3. Does this fall under the graven image category?

  4. And "certified spy chip free" according to the small yellow patch on the upper right-hand corner of the door panel.

  5. I couldn't get by without a little help from my friends.

    ...and KJ, the recovering evangelical, who will need to go to his next group meeting and confess that he still has difficulty restraining himself from splashing cold water on folks who seem to be having just a leetle too much fun.

    "spy chip free"? Too late for that, I think. They already have a file on me.

  6. Yes, a real one. She has place of honor in our curio cabinet.


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