Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On Blinking - Or Not Blinking

Two funnies on "I didn't blink".

"My Gal" from the New Yorker and "S.... P..... Won't Blink" from Jon Stewart at Comedy Central.

I had resolved not to mention her name for a while, but I broke my resolution. Well, on second thought, not really. I (Mimi) did not mention her name.


  1. Oh Mimi- it is ok, I broke my promise today too and blogged politics.

    Seeing this makes me feel better!

    That New Yorker piece - fab!!

  2. Yes, I saw that Jon Stewart thing! Hilarious!
    Did you watch the Colbert Report? He was hot last night. I do not have cable, but my son told me to go to Huludotcom. It has both Daily Show and Colbert Report on the day after airing, plus a lot more wonderful stuff. I have caught up with "House," my fave, because of Hugh Laurie.

  3. I'm trying to tune out the political news as much as possible. It's simply too toxic, particularly the stuff from the right side of the spectrum.

    So I will pass on to you the a bit of musical info as a cure for politics and politicians whose last name begins with P.

    The Met has released a series of broadcasts from last season on EMI as DVDs, including the production of Peter Grimes you saw when you were there, and a production of Hansel and Gretel which les Grandfils and Grandfilles de Mimi will definitely enjoy watching, especially the Fourteen Angels sequence--which becomes in this production a banquet provided by Fourteen Chefs.

  4. Susan, I saw Colbert, too. He was hot. You can watch the shows the next day on the Comedy Central website, too.

    Kishnevi, that's good to know. Thanks for the tip.

  5. I'd forgotten how much I like "The New Yorker." Thanks.

  6. Jan, I've been reading it since I was in college. It's had its ups and downs, but it continues to have some very good articles and funny cartoons.

  7. Well..you know...I'm gonna try to be reglar and not blink no more neither.

    And I'm gonna start improving my foreign affairs stuff by gazing at the Atlantic....that touches A LOT of different Countries you know...


  8. Eileen, can you see England from your house? If so, or even if you say so, you should be appointed Secretary of State.

  9. Hells yeah Mimi...I can see London..i can see France..I can see Crazy Ass's under....

    Oh my...

    So, am I in? Secy of State?? Pleez pleez pleez!! I swear...I'm totally unblinking

  10. EXCELLENT! G'mère! "I laugh at your weak blinking..." Love that.


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