Monday, September 22, 2008

Prayers, Please

This afternoon, I'm going to see an orthopedic specialist about my knee and my foot. The trouble started a few months ago, as I was heaving myself out of the bathtub. I felt a twinge in my right knee. My right knee WAS my good knee, doing the heavy lifting, because the left knee was weak due to osteoarthritis and the ravages of living past my allotted three score and ten years. I tried to take my regular walk that evening, and came home limping and in great pain. I waited a few days to see if the knee would get better on its own, but the situation deteriorated further, with back and shoulder pain now in play. I went to my family doctor who gave me a steroid shot in my rear to try to alleviate the pain in all three areas. The pain eased, but my knee was not right. I could feel the bones clicking, and the knee felt unsteady. Then, just before we evacuated for Hurricane Gustav, my heel and then the whole bottom of my foot began to hurt, and for a couple of days, I could hardly walk. Then that pain became less, but I determined to see a specialist for help as soon as I could. I believe the foot pain is connected to the knee problems, you know, like in the "Dry Bones" song. All dem old, dry bones bones is connected.

Pray that the doctor can find out what the problem is and that it is easily fixable. Yes, I would definitely like an easy fix. Thank you in advance. I gave you all the boring details so you could tell God exactly what the problem is, in case she doesn't already know.

UPDATE: Thanks for the prayers. They worked. The diagnosis is osteoarthritis for the knee and plantar fasciitis for the heel. The doctor gave me a steroid shot in the knee, and he is sending me for physical therapy, which I have long wanted. That is the very good news. If this does not work, there are other alternatives before resorting to knee replacement. I'll say more about the visit to the doctor later.


  1. Wondered if anything was up. So sorry. Best wishes.

  2. Oh Mimi- many many prayers. Please know that you are held in and with those prayers with much love.

  3. Prayers for you and your doctor... let healing and warmth fill you to mend and ease the pain

  4. Bone on bone! Prayers ascending.

  5. So sorry for all these difficulties. Praying for an easy and quick recovery.

  6. Prayers & practice offered chere Grandmere


  7. I am only slightly relieved to learn of "ordinary" ailments. Plantar fascitis is very painful and I wish you a very speedy recovery from that along with all the rest.

    Lotsa love!

  8. Whew. Glad it is not too bad. Prayers for you and your health care professionals and of course continued Big Southern Hugs from North Carolina! Take care of yourself and go as slowly as you can -- and good luck with the physical therapy.

  9. I missed this before the appointment, but I'll say a prayer for recovery.

    I've had plantar fascitis, and I know a stretching exercise that helps. (My SIL, a former ballerina, taught me.) If you're interested, email me.

  10. Thank you all for the prayers. You see. When my friends speak, God listens.

  11. Ouch ouch ouch! Grandmere--glad you used you head bone and went to the doctor. You will continue in my prayers.

  12. I notice that I am just beginning to wear out, too, grandmere. My guess is hip, knee, foot, in that order and probably on the right side of my body first. Thanks for blazing the path and reminding me that there are temporary remedies along the way. And, since I'm responding "after the fact", prayers of thanksgiving and courage for the physical therapy. No pain, no gain, as we say. We also say, "No fear!" (That last one actually works. Fear not.)

    Silly intuitive post. I hope you hear the support.


  13. When my friends speak, God listens.

    That's a hoot - let's hope it's the other way round, too!

  14. Mimi, my best wishes and prayers. I've had plantar fascitis and I thought of that when I read your story.

    The stretching exercises help but they don't cure it. Just when you think it's never going away, it disappears! It's been 3 or 4 years since I had it and I've never had a sign of it since.

    BTW I gave myself a bleeding duodenal ulcer from the anti-infammatory drugs I took, so don't do that.

  15. Yes, Margaret, even though the head bone is not connected to the knee bone, I put 2+2 together and got 4.

    Boaz, I have had stomach pain from the anti-inflammatory drugs, and I will not take them any longer. I'm not waiting for bleeding or a perforation.

    I know that nothing will cure my ailments at my age, and a knee replacement is a last resort for me. Since the cortisone shot in my left knee, I have gone without pain for 3 or 4 years. I believe the physical therapy will be a big help, too.


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