Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ray Puts It All In Perspective

Read Ray in New Orleans on the sad plight of the trader folks who inhabit Greenwich, Connecticut, who may no longer be able to send their children to private schools and give huge amounts to charity. Ned Lamott (Remember him? The Dems ran him against Liebermann.) says, "This is our Katrina...."

Ray says:

If this was really your Katrina, I would feel for you, man. Because you would be facing such total destruction and demoralization, and you would have to face it without being able to take solace in brass bands or real food or Mardi Gras, because when all is said and done, you still live in a shithole called Connecticut.

To my readers from Connecticut: The views expressed are not necessarily those of the blog owner. After all, Paul Newman lived there. I report; you decide.

H/T to Oyster at First Draft.


  1. Important to say, Mimi. To equate a Stock Market crash to Katrina just shows how completely the financial institutions are out of touch with the people of New Orleans and for that matter everywhere but NYC--or for that matter, Conn.

  2. Their Katrina? It's laughable.

    Decent people work in the financial business. I know, because I am acquainted with some of them. And, unfortunately, it won't be just the greedy ones who feel the effects of the market meltdown. The market's up today, I suppose because Paulson injected $630 billion into the "global financial system".

  3. Well, I am a native of that 'shithole called Connecticut, worse the Yankee part of it,' but my parents hardly live in a multi-million dollar home. That said, Ned Lamont comes off as a total ass.

  4. Let us not forget our CT blogger- Johnieb. And Rev Lois, who I know from OCICBW is from CT too.

    Ned Lamott however- hopelessly lost by saying that.

  5. Caminante, my abject apologies. Of course, you know I didn't mean you nor your parents.

    Fran, should I have named everyone I know from Connecticut in my pre-emptive disclaimer? I believe so. But what if I left someone out?

  6. Where is Fr. Scott living, again?
    (ducking and running back into hiding)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Oops sorry for the duplication - had a moment of computer craziness - you can delete the extras if you want :-)

  9. I thought RevLois was from Maine (?) Anyway, New England ? Pretty. Lamont ? Git.

  10. Living here in CT, there's way too uuch of the "local angle" in the news coverage about the poor people of Greenwich and Darien who won't be able to go out and buy a $40K car this year, or a boat.

    The news media is stupid all over.

  11. Aitch, I guess Fr. Scott hasn't seen this yet. Either that, or he's too angry to leave a comment. ;o)

    CWS, I think it was the Katrina comment that sent Ray into orbit. He's truly a very nice guy - if you stay on his right sid. LOL.

    David, I think we can all agree with Lamont=git.

  12. I know you didn't mean us. All is fine.

  13. Caminante, thanks. I am so relieved.


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