Saturday, September 27, 2008

RC Archbishop Hughes Says, "No"

From The Pew Forum:

NEW ORLEANS (RNS) Roman Catholic Archbishop Alfred Hughes has denounced a lawmaker's proposal to pay poor people to undergo sterilization as "an egregious affront to those targeted and blatantly anti-life."

Hughes spoke out in response to a proposal by state Rep. John Labruzzo, a Republican from suburban Metairie, to combat poverty by offering poor women and men $1,000 to undergo reproductive sterilization and vasectomies. In addition, the lawmaker said he is considering whether to propose tax incentives for college-educated people to have more children.

Catholic teaching holds that tubal ligation and vasectomy are wrong, because they rob sexuality of one of its main purposes, the transmission of life.

More broadly, the plan "would also constitute a form of eugenics that the church and this country have always condemned," Hughes said.

Hughes is correct about eugenics but wrong about tubal ligation and vasectomy. That's not his business. I wonder if he knows that many in his flock have the surgeries, even without anyone paying them $1000.


  1. Hughes is correct about eugenics but wrong about tubal ligation and vasectomy.

    Not to be overly nitpicky, but what he actually said was that Catholic teaching holds that tubal ligation and vasectomy are wrong. He's not wrong about that - that is exactly what Catholic teaching holds. Now, whether or not Catholic teaching is in error here is of course an entirely different matter, and one in which, I suspect, you and I would be on the same page, Grandmére.

  2. Not to be overly nitpicky....

    Tim, I'm afraid I'd categorize your correction as "overly nitpicky". I believe that one can assume, with little fear of contradiction, that an archbishop of the RCC holds the views of his church, unless he explicitly states otherwise. Don't you think?

  3. Mad Priest's comment may remind some readers of Swift's "modest proposal" for the relief of the Irish.

  4. As one who didn't expect the RC hierarchy to say anything, I give Archbishop Hughes credit for coming out and saying what he did say.

  5. I agree with Lapin - at least this time the RC church speaks up to something unspeakable in regard to treatment of the poor.

    And I also read that there was another portion - read this at the Times Picayune, that would encourage college educated people to have more children and incentivize them for it?

    Grandmere, I did link to some stuff about this at my other blog, of which you know the address, if you'd like to see.

    I did take some pleasure in noting that it was LaBruzzo, REPUBLICAN.

    And more than likely Catholic?

  6. Ormonde, perhaps Jonathan (aka MadPriest) was inspired by his namesake.

    Lapin and Fran, I am not at all surprised that Abp. Hughes responded to LaBruzzo's noxious proposal. Vestiges of concepts of social justice remain alive and kicking, even amongst the hierarchy of the RCC, and pushing the "master race" type of eugenics theories on the poor was beyond the pale. But the mere thought of solving anything by tubal ligation and vasectomy, is also beyond consideration, as would be the simple use of any method of limiting conception, except the so-called "natural methods". I call them the "methods that don't work". I know. I tried.

    Sorry, Fran. I didn't mean for the sarcasm to creep in, but I couldn't help myself. I'll do penance by going to read your other blog. ;o)

  7. No such thing necessary Mimi- you know how I feel and I always accept and honor how you feel.

    Penance- Jesus on a waffle, no such thing needed.

  8. I believe that one can assume, with little fear of contradiction, that an archbishop of the RCC holds the views of his church

    No, you can't Mimi. Otherwise you would have to expect that Captain Tim would hold the views of the church that pays him, when, as we know, he is nothing other than a freeloading anabaptist who should have been burnt at the stake years ago.

    And, thanks, Ormonde. I'm glad that I can make a blindingly obvious cultural reference and that there is, at least, one old school renaissance man out there who will understand it. Of course, I'm not putting Mimi down here because she's just a woman, and that she can read and write is achievement enough and worthy of my respect.

  9. MadPriest, what can I do but stand defeated, head bowed, before such pearls of wisdom left to grace my comments? Though your words contradict mine and condescend to me, I have no riposte to offer. I know when I have met my betters.


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