Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's His Other Name?

"Arch-Druid in his full Judicial Costume"

From Wiki.


  1. I think he has too many veils on Grandmere! He can't dance by the light of any moon!

    (hope you had a wonderful lunch with your daughter)


  2. Margaret, we had a wonderful lunch.

    I found the picture when I was looking up Druids to leave a comment at your blog on the moon and the equinox. Are you the only one to make the connection?

    Oh, no. I see that Susan left a guess. OCYCBR, Susan.

    I agree. Way too many veils.

  3. I'm sorry, the Rowan of which you seem to be speaking should keep on as many veils as possible, or at least hair nets for the beard.

    Oh, GM, you are such a caution.

  4. Paul, this one was easy - a gift handed to me, really. I especially liked that his portrait was done in his judicial costume.

    Do I have to agree with you about the veils now, Paul? I like to please my visitors, but that would make me a flip-flopper.


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