Sunday, October 19, 2008


Last week was hellish, not because of terrible things happening, but because of my having too much to do in too short a time. I was exhausted. I do not have the energy that I once had, and, in truth, I was never a particularly energetic type. Being married to a hyperactive man for 47 years has not always been easy.

Yesterday, I was not in the mood to go anywhere, and I would have skipped the lunch with my old schoolmates, but for the fact that I enjoy their company, and because we are not youngsters (surprise!), and who knows when this will happen again, if ever?

I went to bed early last night and slept the sleep of the dead and woke up late. I played hooky from church, because I simply could not get going. I almost never miss church, unless I'm ill, and I go with wings on my feet, because I really want to be there. I missed Walter Bruggemann's talk in the adult class, but I hope to be able to watch the DVD later. We've had lively and interesting discussions in the class, some of the best ever.

PS: My daughter may kill me over this one. She does not smoke joints.


  1. My sympathies Grandmere.

    I've spent my past week being alternately busy with grading and course preparation, and being sick. I skipped church again today in order to get some rest, have brunch with Michael, and get more work done.

    I too enjoy going to church on Sundays, and having brunch with the church groupies, who really are all very good people, and a lot of fun -- a rare combination.

    Howdy to Ueber-G out there, who is one of them, and who reads this blog (one of your many fans in NYC, Grandmere).

  2. Ego te absolvo.

    +Maya Pavlova, FBE

    P.S. Sometimes one just has to sleep! Part of my task as feline bishop is to remind people of this sacred duty to their bodies, their world, and yes, even the church. I am very glad you got some rest after a wearing week and in honor of this I am going to have an extra nap. Also, I am going to tell Jane to have one. Right away.

  3. Grandmere, ditto to your post. I have had an identical week and skipped church today as well. Cannot even remember the last time I missed. Must be something in the air, water, whatever!

  4. I also missed church but because of railway trackwork and bus substitution which increases my journey from 2 to nearly 3 hours each way. Disappointed as we had a young woman priest (from Brisbane, obviously not from Sydney) preaching. Did get a lot of weeding done however.
    Hope the rest did its job, take care.

  5. Well, it seems we have enough folks missing church today to form a club.

    Ah, but we have Bishop Maya Pavlova to absolve us of our sins. I confess that I thought of you, +Maya, and your excellent advice about taking care of our bodies, when I made my decision. Your influence for good is greater than you know.

    Now here comes Brian. Membership grows.

    I believe that the rest has done the job. +Maya is wise.

  6. You are allowed to miss church from time to time. It's not a law. I hope that isn't guilt.

  7. I believe it was Teresa of Avila who said, in instruction to her nuns on contemplative prayer: "You may find that you fall asleep. When you wake up simple thank God. Sleep is a good thing"

  8. DP, you're an almost-priest, so I take that as another absolution.

    SusanKay, Teresa of Avila was very wise. Sleep is a good thing.


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