Wednesday, October 8, 2008

John McCain On The Trail Today

From TPM.

"Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners and the same standards of clarity and candor must now be applied to my opponent."

The video is now posted.

Watch Sarah's expression after he says "prisoners".

The manner in which Sarah Palin and other surrogates of McCain whip up the crowds into a frenzy to the point where there are shouts of "Terrorist!" or "Treason!" about Obama is quite dangerous. Or are they plants as Josh Marshall asks? Whatever it is, this campaign tactic is irresponsible in the extreme.


  1. Incredible. He's losing it. And I agree about the shouted epithets. This is very dangerous indeed.

  2. I guess we refer to ourselves as "we prisoners" now. While I'm not exactly a prisoner, I do feel somewhat trapped.

  3. Holy malolly!!!! He really is certifiable.

    Grandmere --did you get to finish your Bible study on the Production-Consumption Society? By the grace of God, we are never trapped.....

    Too preachy? --sorry. Didn't mean it that way.

    I better stop while I'm ahead!

  4. ". . . irresponsible in the extreme"? John McCain gave up being responsible about three weeks before the Republican Convention and hasn't swerved since.

  5. Margaret, we're still working on Bruggemann, but we are having some of the best discussions that we've ever had. Give folks meat, and they will chew on it. Maybe by the end of the series, I will no longer feel trapped. Not too preachy. Preach away.

    Paul, I never stop being surprised at the depths to which certain folks will lower themselves.

  6. Grandmere--we just started the series tonight. Of course, since I have the DVD --I have watched the entire thing already--and then there are recorded Q&A sessions that are even more fascinating. Thank you so very much for the recommendation.

  7. Holy crap.

    If McCain wins - we are prisoners!!

  8. "You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme."

    Sounds about right ;)

  9. Fran, McPoopy is already projecting ahead and seeing us all as his prisoners, as we surly will be if he is elected.

    David, no surprise there, love.


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