Thursday, October 16, 2008

John, You Are George Bush!


Thanks to Lapin for the new Obama ad.


  1. Love it! Thanks, Mimi.

    (I guess they've been waiting for that line if they were able to get it out so fast...)

  2. They're quick. They may have had it waiting on the shelf.

  3. He'd been using that line through the previous week in his stumping, so they were prepared.

    How about that sneer about women's "health" -- ouch!

  4. I would love to see the ad. I can't do the you tube thing on my computer. As for the debate, of course Obama was right - on all the big issues McCain echoes Bush. McCain looked like a rigid little wind up doll with a little fist that goes up and down and every time it opens it mouth it irritates me.

  5. The air quotes gesture was the icing on the cake in his attempt at irony in his comments on women's "health".

    Steph, I wish you could see the video, too.


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