Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mittens - Not To Be Believed

But nevertheless, we must believe it.

From The Caucus at the New York Times:

“John McCain! Not Hussein!”

So goes the latest popular chant on the campaign trail with Gov. Sarah Palin, demonstrated at a morning rally in central Florida.

After the rally in Florida ended, two of the people leading the chant explained why they did so.

“Because it rhymes,” said Shirley Mitten, 64, a volunteer at a pregnancy center and a resident of Brooksville, Fla.

She said she does not know if Mr. Obama is a Muslim. “He says he’s not, but we have no way of knowing,” Ms. Mitten said.

Mr. Mitten said, “I guess Obama was named after Saddam Hussein,”

Lovely people, the Mittens. Palin brings out the best in her audiences. Please don't vote with Mittens.

UPDATE: Promoted from the comments as too good to be hidden:

Blogger Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Yes, of course, Obama was named after Saddam Hussein. Just like Joe Biden and Joe Lieberman were named after Joseph Stalin and John McCain was named after John Dillinger.

The ignorance of some people is frightening.

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  1. Sometimes t'is better to say nothing and be thought a fool then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

  2. Fred, I wanted a joke about mittens badly, but I couldn't find one, and I couldn't think of anything clever and witty on my own.

  3. Yes, of course, Obama was named after Saddam Hussein. Just like Joe Biden and Joe Lieberman were named after Joseph Stalin and John McCain was named after John Dillinger.

    The ignorance of some people is frightening.

  4. I could have posted a picture of mittens.

  5. The ignorance of some people is frightening.

    Makes you wonder how long a party like the Republicans can prosper when their base is made up of the bigoted, the hateful, the religious nutjobs, and the gobsmackingly ignorant...

  6. Never underestimate the stupidity of the US electorate. After all, it elected Shrub in 2004 (not in 2000).

  7. I can forgive 2000, but not 2004. We knew what we were getting. Lord, let Obama win, and win big, so the Republicans can't steal the election.


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