Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Did You Know...?

The Great Cloud of Questionable Witnesses

Bishop Clumber, the one true bishop of the real Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, writes icons. I did not know that. Above is one of a series of three four icons. It is exquisite, no? I believe he surpasses even Tobias with his masterpieces.

+Clumber is a dog. I know that it may be difficult for many humans to accept that a member of the canine species produces such beauty, but it's true. +Clumber successfully fought his way to acceptance as the one true bishop of Pittsburgh, and I hope the path to recognition of his genius as an iconographer is easier. If you go to +Clumber's site, Barkings of an Old Dog, you will find the other icons in the series.

It's difficult not to succumb to the sin of pride at being included in the series and depicted with such eminent notables, but I'm trying very hard not to let it go to my head.


  1. Well now, glad it´s not going to *your* head...meanwhile, I´m sick with envy...on the upside, I finally found a character defect to pray/work on.

    Just when I thought all was set right.

  2. I am pleased that Dahvid´s half naked torso, big grin, shower picture didn´t make the cut either (even though Luiz crept in...probably paid for by the IRD)!

  3. My badly twisted neck will very likely prevent any other feelings but pain for quite a while.

    The icon is so clever and funny.

  4. The person between you and Ormond preached at my diaconal ordination!

  5. He is Dr. Harold Lewis, a priest in good standing in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, in case any of you are wondering.

    Padre, has he ever expressed regret about that?

    Just joking, of course!

  6. Mmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrooowwwwwwwww!

  7. I am humbled to be in such good company- showing that God is indeed merciful, very merciful.

    My own parish priest has gazed upon this icon and with more than a wry smile.

  8. +Maya, I sense you may not be entirely pleased with the icon.

    Hi, St. Fran. I'm thinking of changing my blog name to St. Mimi. What do you think?

  9. I don't know what it means that we (with Harold Lewis) made it as angels. Are we perhaps the Trinity, as in Rublev?

  10. Padre, has he ever expressed regret about that? He probably doesn't even remember it happening!

  11. He probably doesn't even remember it happening!

    Padre, shall I send him a link to your blog?

  12. Help! I need a translator for Blogomils.

  13. Oh, no, +Maya loves it. That was a big kittenish roar of approval.

    Either that or it's her version of Gallito Mescalito's ¡SHRIIIIEEEEKK!

  14. +Maya, I am so relieved. I've lost my fluency in feline language, because it's been a number of years since we've had a cat.

  15. about Blogomils, my poor effort at a pun on Bogomils, about which you can find a lot on google. I always just thought it sounded funny.

    Sad to say still dealing with boiler problems at the parish. Thought it was fixed yesterday, but it's not working today. And it is cold!

  16. Tobias, it's not a poor effort at all. The explanation was not something that I could work out on my own, but now I have learned about Bogomils, so you furthered my education. I'm assuming you refer to the "Dear to God" meaning.

    I am sorry about your boiler. It's cold here, but much colder where you are - 37 degrees, I see, and down into the 20s overnight. We have an expression down here in south Louisiana for such a situation as yours, when equipment is repaired and breaks down again soon after the repair. It's red-assin', ain't it.


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