Monday, November 10, 2008

Not To Rub It In Or Anything....

Doug sent me this one, too. Oh man. I like it so much that I may have to change the picture on the sidebar. Or shall I simply line them up one under the other? What if more gorgeous posters come in? Would ten lined up be over the top?


  1. Johnieb, I don't know about a hundred.

  2. LOL, grandmere, yes, there is a limit to most things, especially techo things....


  3. errrrm....sorry..."techno" (dagnubbit)

  4. Put 'em all up, Mimi! There's never too much Barack.

  5. So. Y'all get it that I like the poster.

  6. Oh, I hope you don't mind if I add this to my blog. BTW, you inspired me to finally start my own blog, no one has visited yet, but it has proved healing for me.

  7. Rhonda, help yourself to the picture. I started my blog for healing purposes, too, and also because I was cluttering up the comments of other bloggers with long posts, and I decided that I needed my own space.

  8. Do rub it in, dearest Grandmère!

    We are so proud of you ;=)

  9. Yes, please change it on your blog. Although I would prefer it said "Hope" than "Victory."

  10. From Andrew Sullivan:

    Obama's refusal to take a firm stand in the last few weeks of the campaign was instrumental to its passage....

    Obama has always opposed marriage equality, even splitting with his own church on the issue. In California, he got his way.

  11. Sorry, that anon was me, IT

  12. Ormonde, if a good poster with "Hope" turns up, I will use it.

    IT, I know that, my friend. It's not right, and I have said so over and over. Hillary Clinton opposed gay marriage, too. Would you rather have McCain?

    Is Andrew Sullivan still a Roman Catholic? He may be on the right side on gay marriage, but he was on the wrong side about many issues for a long time, and I'm still pissed at him. Quotes from him on any subject at all don't move me very much.

  13. I agree with Mimi on Andrew Sullivan. He's never spoken for me.

    But I do agree that Democratic opposition to gay marriage is the worst hypocrisy. Republicans can claim some kind of twisted "principle" upon which to base their opposition. Democratic opposition is based only on expediency; supporting gay marriage is simply too politically risky.

  14. that's my point, counterlight. and regarding Sullivan, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


  15. Counterlight, I absolutely agree on the hypocrisy of the Dem opposition to gay marriage. It was just plain wrong.

  16. IT, I didn't mean to pop off about Sullivan, but he raises my hackles.

  17. Forgive me, Grandmere, for being tardy in commenting here.... but I have to make an observation that I hope will not spoil the party celebrating the wonderful election of Barack Obama as the next PUSA.

    The artwork in these posters. The style, colors and general captioning and orientation remind many of us Europeans of the pro-Communist/Socialist government posters of Eastern Europe (Hungary, Poland, Czech/Slovak, Rumania etc.) of the 1960s.

    As a European, I believe that I speak for many when I say that we support this new president-elect, but in conversation with so many people I must say that such posters make us shudder.

  18. RR, a lot of things remind a lot of people of a lot of other things. I like the poster. I like the art of the three socialist Mexican artists, Rivera, Orozco, and Siquerios. I like Picasso. The political leanings of artists don't usually affect my artistic likes and dislikes.

    I'm sorry if the posters make you shudder. Really, I am, but our tastes differ. I'm not saying they're great art, but I like them. Thanks for weighing in.

    Chacun à son goût.

  19. My reaction at first sight was to wonder if I needed 3-D specs. A a cultural and age thing, I guess.

  20. Yes, Lapin, it is slightly blurry in the entry. But if you look at the smaller one on the right, you will see it's much more in focus. That's what happens sometimes in enlargements.


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