Thursday, November 6, 2008

Please Pray For Evan

Grandmere Mimi and MadPriest,

Please, if you wouldn't mind, would you post a prayer request on your blog today? Evan, the nine-year-old boy from my church who has leukemia, is getting a bone marrow transplant. This is his chance at life, so I'm hoping for a wider prayer circle than just my own blog readers.



  1. Ruth, I'm more than happy to do it. He's a precious boy.

  2. Update from Evan's mother:

    Ev's transplant has been postponed until tomorrow. The flights were changed and his new cells will not arrive until later this evening now. I am sure you can imagine the let down we all felt, however, a day is not an issue.

    I will update tonight as to how are day has gone. Thank you for all the prayers, please pray that his cells make it here without any issues.

  3. Ruth, keep us posted. Prayers continue.


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