Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So Are You Ready For The...

Thanks to Susan S.


  1. Have you seen the bumper sticker that reads "In case of Rapture, can I have your car?"

  2. Lapin, I have. Unfortunately, if the raptured ones happen to be driving at the very time of their taking, there will be many wrecked cars. Only think of the freeways.

  3. All I see is "Rap Turd" and I wonder if there's a turd who likes rap music driving that car.

    Turd, very likely, rap fan, probably not.

  4. Bubs, say it fast and run the words together, and I believe you'll get it. ;o) Nothing to do with music, except that the chosen ones may hear the angels singing before they're swept up.

  5. When I see the wild-eyed "end timers" going on about "The Rapture," the word itself and their behavior makes me think of a comment in Twisted Tales from Shakespeare:

    "Note how our partner's rapt!"

    And none too tightly!

  6. "RAP TURD", you're right. We do read what we expect to see, don't we?

    Saw an SC license plate years back that read "GIMAQT". Barf! Blonde, of course.

  7. Mark, LOL.

    Lapin, I don't get the acronym, but if it's very dirty, don't spell it out.

  8. "Gee I'm a ...." Can you work out the "QT bit for yourself?

  9. Oh, they misspelled it. It was supposed to say RAT TURD.

  10. I must be moving into my second childhood, for I seem to be attracting no one past the emotional age of 12 in this comment thread, except for Mark, who raises the tone with a bit of Shakespeare.

    Toby, is this your place to let your intellectual hair down? I hope so.

  11. I seem to be attracting no one past the emotional age of 12

    /me looks confused

    So you're just now noticing that about us ? ;)

  12. David! Of course, I was not referring to you! You've matured to 14, at least.


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