Sunday, November 16, 2008

This Is Not Blogging, Either

Kirkepiscatoid has left a new comment on your post "Addicted Again!":

Mimi, it was the mere act of "giving yourself permission to take off" that did the trick. It reminds me of a funny story of my late grandmother....

Granny, when we took car trips on vacation, would INEVITABLY get constipated. I think she just had a thing about pooping in her own toilet instead of all the strange toilets who God-knew-who sat upon.

After a couple days of this, she would say, "I have to buy Ex-Lax." Ok, so we would find a Walgreens or something and she would buy some. But she NEVER had to take it. It was the mere act of BUYING it that would end her constipation, just knowing she COULD end it by taking the laxative.

When she died, I think there were like 25 boxes of unused, unopened Ex-Lax in her medicine chest. Now why she just didn't BRING last year's box on vacation is beyond me, but I decided it was the purchase of it, not the presence of it!

Basically, you just bought a box of Blog-Lax and voila! No more blog constipation!

Too good to be hidden in the comments, don't you think? Kirke, what a nice way to say, "You're full of shit." You are soooo right.


  1. Oh, I would never say an elder blog stateswoman like you was "full of shit." But I do know the signs and symptoms of blog constipation brought on by irritable blog bowel disease!

    I have never understood how the heart and the mind became the seats of our souls. I am totally convinced our souls resides in our bowels. "Gut feelings," "Gut wrenching," "Sick feeling in the pit of our stomach," etc. On the positive side, we "have the guts," things "hit the spot (in our guts)", and things "fill our bellies!" We have "belly laughs" and "cry our guts out." It's all in the bowels....

  2. Kirke, the soul is in the bowels. The Bible tells me so.

  3. I'm glad you found your blogging soul again, Grandmere. I can relate, by the way, and I'm a newby in blogging. I wanted to blog only what I felt like writing. I enjoyed what I wrote, but more often than not I didn't have anything to say so the blog lies fallow, and I feel guilty about not blogging! Does everyone who blogs go through this sometime? Anyway, glad you're back and enjoying it.

  4. {Mwah!}


  5. I have two children, a dog, an ex-husband, and a bunch of clients to make me feel guilty. The blog doesn't even make the short list...

    You take a break whenever you need to, Mimi---we're not going anywhere, and, believe it or not, we have no expectations of you. We just enjoy your company.


  6. Grandmere! If you are this good with stuff you don't want to write --God help us all when you start writing about stuff you WANT to write about!!

  7. Glad you are back. We'd miss you if you were gone for good.

  8. I guess no one read the title of the post. I am not back. I'm just peeping in.

    I was talking to a friend tonight, and I told her that when I make a fool of myself, I prefer to do it publicly.

    You are all so kind. I don't deserve you at all, but thanks for being here. No one is pressuring me but me, however, thanks for your permission to ease up on myself.

  9. Remember, conservatives are proud of being "regular."

    And stocks can be "solid" or "liquid."

    Though I love shit metaphors, I'd never say you were full of it, 'cause you're not.

  10. So glad your break was so short! Welcome back!

  11. Grandmère, I am going with what Doxy said. We just enjoy your company.

    I never know whether I will have a 5-post day or a no-post day, though I am addicted enough (or driven enough) that I feel rather certain I will put up at least one post a day. Now that I am home I expect conflicting situations. Perhaps my work days will be shorter (I hope so) but I am now where I have much more of a life. And I am working my way back into novel revision. So I may cut back. Or not. And it's OK either way.

    I always want to cheer your self-care when you cut back and then feel sorry for us hearing less from you. Bottom line, as this entire thread seems to indicate:

    Go with your gut!

  12. I'd have sympathized earlier, but I spent the weekend, well...trying to have a real life.

    And I'm determined to keep that going into this week and beyond.

    Still, I fully sympathize with you about blogging. It soon goes from a dilettantish pleasure to a chore to drudgery as you try to maintain whatever "kick" it is when you draw an audience. It is an addiction, and one I am frightfully susceptible to. My solution was to finally try just to post when I feel like I have something to say. Even then, though, I find myself trying to find something to say I think others will respond to, and seeking comments soon becomes seeking compliments, since blogging is not REALLY conversation (because no one has to answer you unless they feel prompted by what you write. When you're face to face with someone, there can be at least a little social pressure to make some answer, to create some conversation.)

    Which is why I don't think blogging or the internet will ever replace true personal/social intercourse, no matter how much it introduces us to friends we'd never otherwise meet. Still, who wants to throw out the baby with the bathwater? But who wants to construct a "virtual life" on-line, when there is so much to do and see in the "real world"?

    Now if I could just learn to relegate my blogging to a hobby like cross-stitching or baking bread and cookies.

    I gotta go....

  13. Which is why I don't think blogging or the internet will ever replace true personal/social intercourse, no matter how much it introduces us to friends we'd never otherwise meet.

    Rmj, I hope not! That the internet will reduce us to communicating with one another from within our separate cubicles is alarming to contemplate. However, I've made a good many real life friends through blogging, and I am likely to make more. For that, I am quite grateful, for they have enriched my life.

  14. Mimi, I have been pretty well stopped up since summer too. But after the absolutely appalling dio convention I just attended I have loosened the blockage.

  15. Muthah, I'll have a look.

    Ruth, what a drama over nothing. I'm embarrassed.


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