Saturday, December 27, 2008

Celebrity In Our Midst!

(From the Anglican Periodic Table by Clumber)

Father Tobias Haller, who writes at In a Godward Direction, was interviewed by the BBC! You can listen here at the BBC website on the 24 Dec 08 podcast titled "Christmas and Consumerism". Tobias' interview starts near the beginning.

As a US ambassador to the Brits, he represented us quite well. His own review of his performance is at his website at the link above. He's much too modest.


  1. Wasn't he just the bee's knees? Well done, darling. You've done us proud.

  2. Pardon my blushes, but thanks for the positive feedback. I am almost always a poor judge of whether what I'm saying makes sense or not, and am still not used to hearing my own voice.

  3. Tobias, hearing my voice on a recording is always shocking to me. I hate the way I sound. It makes me want to rush off for voice training.

  4. Heh. It's like the olympics of the blogosphere. Brilliant (and one never knows why, excepting the persistence of it all). Congrats, Tobias!

  5. Scott, Tobias is out of our class altogether. He's made his way into the mainstream media. Before we know it, the paparazzi will be after him.

  6. Oh I must go have a listen... Everyone is asleep around here however, so it must be done later.

    How cool though, Tobias on the BBC!


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