Saturday, December 6, 2008

Guess Who?


Take your guesses as to which grown-up, whom many of us know virtually, is pictured above in the scene from the past. I'm inclined to think that this one is too easy, but, of course, I could be wrong. I'll leave it for 24 hours for you to guess, and then I'll say who's right, or, if no one gets it right, then I'll tell you who it is.


  1. Well, by the short pants, tie, sweater vest and knee-sox, I'm guessing the kid is British. Americans (at least, God-fearing, rough and tumble manly men Americans) never dressed like this. Could it be...Mad Priest?

  2. The one on the left or the one on the right?

  3. Whoever he is, he's got awesome taste in dogs - love the Welsh terrier - just like my Frankie.

  4. MP. All you have to do is regard the eyes, which reveal the character. (The one on the right is clearly an ancestor of Wesley (r.i.p.), m'deceased canadian love's deceased terrier.)

  5. PS - my guess is that this is themethatisme.

  6. Padre Mickey, the one without the beard.

    Y'all didn't waste any time on this one.

  7. I think Mad Priest is too obvious. Maybe it is DP?

  8. Fr. Jonathan Hagger of St. Francis Anglican Church, Newcastle, aka Madpriest.

    May I suggest a prize? How about an all expense paid trip to Jamaica (the one in Queens)?

  9. Such a shame he never filled out.

  10. I got in late, but before I looked at the comments I said, "No Brainer--Mad Priest!"

  11. That face has trouble written all over it. I vote with the crowd. Cute dog.

  12. That's not easy. I haven't got a clue. He can't be Obama because that would make Obama too old. He can't be Gordon Brown because he isn't wearing a kilt. He can't be John Lennon because he's not alive and it can't be Paul McCartney because he hasn't got hooded eyes. I thought it might be an internet tycoon because he might be known 'virtually' but then again it still might be Lennon.

  13. Chere Mimi
    my question is how the heck did you get hold of this picture?

    sweet lady, you've got connections everywhere!


  14. I'm with Counterlight and the rest and also with David of Montreal.

  15. Older and a little heavier now but he is recognisably the same Mad One we all love.(And remember: I've met him).

  16. Mimi, I'm changing my vote to ABC.

  17. I'm sorry TMTIM - but all I have to go by is that black and white and bushy thumbnail...mea culpa.

  18. I agree with the crowd that this is Jonathan, the Mad One.

    This from an American born in 1947whose mother kept him short pants until school. My knees were so grateful that the Rector insisted on trousers.

  19. OK -- just to break with the pack: Grandpere?


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