Friday, December 5, 2008

National Cathedral will host Inaugural Prayer Service

From Jim Naughton at the Episcopal Café:

President-elect Barack Obama has accepted the Washington National Cathedral's invitation to host a prayer service in honor of his inauguration on Wednesday morning January 21. Details to come.

(And no, I can't help you get tickets.)

How lovely!

About the tickets. If I nagged Jim, like the widow in the parable of the unjust judge, might he not see that helping me get a ticket is the right thing to do, just to get me off his back? It's in the Bible.


  1. Nicely timed to put the pretentions of the "new province" in perspective.

  2. Jim would be well advised to cave in when Grandmère makes up her mind. If I can't go I would love to have Mimi represent me.

  3. Lapin, it is.

    Paul, thanks, but even if I could get a ticket, I don't know that I could make my way there. I hear that all types of transportation are fully booked.

  4. How about this service as a blessed opportunity for Anglicans to show themselves to the world at our inclusive best?

    One of her best sermons delivered by the Great ++Katherine herself, followed by........'s coming...... followed by the Episcopal Blessing delivered by the Bishop of New Hampshire.

    Just a thought


  5. David, it's a good thought, but I believe that the Obama folks will be running the operation and it will be very, very ecumenical, which is only right.

  6. chere Mimi
    it was just a thought from a Canadian who knows next to nothing about how things are run in your national capital.

    but just think of the message it would send if +Gene New Hampshire was actively included in the liturgy!

    can't blame me for believing in the dream of full inclusion.

  7. David, I agree that it's a lovely idea, but don't give up. Perhaps you shall witness inclusivity in the service.

  8. I wouldn't totally dismiss the idea of +Gene Robinson present at the service, if not actively participating. As Mimi herself posted on this very blog, the President Elect and the Bishop of New Hampshire have met before.

    If Obama knows what's best for him, then Mimi will get those tickets.

  9. Counterlight, and a plane ticket and a hotel, please, too.


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