Saturday, December 13, 2008

No more Wah! Wah! Wah!

Before Wednesday, I have to get a few decent posts up on this blog, because a young local reporter interviewed me for a human interest story on the blogging grandmother, which will be published in the newspaper in a neighboring town, and in Thibodaux the following day. I must scramble to become a prophet in my own country. She seemed truly amazed that I had a blog. Why is that?

But that won't be today, because Grandpère and I are going on a tour of homes in the Garden District in New Orleans. The tour benefits the Preservation Resource Center of NO. We will drop our grandson off for another grandson's birthday party at one of those noisy party places and then go tour the beautiful homes.

Tomorrow, or perhaps Monday I shall begin my project to write a series of excellent posts to knock 'em dead locally.


  1. But no wah wah wah would be too dull.

  2. I agree with Ann. I love it when you complain.

    Enjoy the tour, and I'm sure the locals will be amazed that you even know how to turn the damn machine on. I'm sure they're expecting a heartwarming "spry young-at-heart oldster" story. Show them the Mimi who dared talk back to Entergy.

  3. Yes- don't let them patronize/matronize you --- I hate that.

  4. People are much too quick to stereotype anyone over 60. You knock em dead.

  5. Garden tour sounds fun. Hope the snow hasn't played hell with the camellias.

  6. I've been re-thinking mine, too, grandmere, for not dissimilar reasons.

    blessings and courage...

  7. Oh Grandmere --you could recycle a few knock-your-socks-off posts, those that know could play along, and it would free you up for more Advent/Christmas cheer!

    Whatever you end up doing, it's gonna be really good--not matter what. Blessings on your 15 more minutes of fame!

  8. Naughty Kirstin.

    I hope you have a wonderful tour.

    Think globally, knock 'em dead locally.

  9. The interview was Friday morning in the midst of the power outage turmoil. The young reporter and I seemed to hit it off, but we'll see how the article turns out.

    So. It's all right to bitch and moan from time to time? Thanks for permission, although chances are that I'd do it again anyway.

    During the walking tour, I took quite a few pictures of lovely old homes, and I will post them when I can.

    Kirstin! How are you? You have the right to be naughty. We passed right by the corner where GP wrecked my car and gave you whiplash. I forgot all about that when you got word of your other trouble. I hope the whiplash is all better, and I hope that you're not feeling quite as ill from the side effects of your treatment.

    To be quite honest, I worry about these interviews quite a lot.

  10. Kirstin, I forgot to say. I drove once we arrived in New Orleans.

  11. LOL! Glad to hear it. ;-)

    Other than wretched, I'm all right. Nausea comes and goes, but it doesn't debilitate me. What does, is the constant tiredness, headaches, and lack of brain.

    Six months and two weeks, and I'll be done.

  12. Oh, and as for the whiplash, it's pretty much better.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. (deletion was me; it posted twice.)

  15. Complaining is good for you. If you don't whine and bitch every once in awhile, you end up like those people from my native Texas who think they have to "be a man" about it all the time. They eventually crack under all the strain, and go berserk and take out a Luby's or a Wal Mart.
    It is always better to annoy your friends than to massacre holiday shoppers.

  16. Kirstin, I'm glad you're only wretched and that the whiplash is better. You seem to have at least half a functioning brain, which works a lot better than that of a few folks I know who claim a whole functioning brain. ;o)

    Dr. Counterlight, I shall heed your advice.


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