Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ready For Cracker Jokes?

Ready or not, here they come:

Q.) How do crazy people go through the forest?
A.) They take the psycho path.

Q.) What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work?
A.) A stick.

Q.) What do you call cheese that isn't yours?
A.) Nacho cheese.

Q.) What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A.) Frostbite.

Q.) What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A.) A nervous wreck.

Q.) How do snowmen get around?
A.) On their icicle!!

Q.) What kind of pump can you eat?
A.) A pumpkin!!

Q.) What is white and crumbly and swings through trees?
A.) A meringue!!

Q.) Who babysits for the kids?
A.) A nanny-goat!!?


  1. Can't wait to share these with my grandkids at "Little Christmas."

  2. Elizabeth, I'm sharing with my grandchildren, too. Shall we now wish one another "Happy Little Christmas!", or do we wait until after New Year's day to do that?

  3. We celebrate "Little Christmas" on the week end closest to The Epiphany. This year, it won't be until Jan 11. I'm really looking forward to it.

  4. What do ghosts eat for breakfast?

    What do ghosts eat for lunch?

    What do ghosts eat for dinner?

  5. Erika, I see that I shall have to send another email and that I may have started something. An avalanche of cracker jokes?

  6. Oh, my: I feel as though I am in a writers meeting for an episode of "The Vicar of Dibley"! :-)

  7. My favorite is "Nacho cheese". It sounds like New Orleans talk.

  8. My 17-year-old granddaughter shared these with me:

    Q.) What do cats on a beach have in common with Christmas?
    A.) Sandy Claws

    Q.) What did the ghost say to Santa Claus?
    A.) I'll have a boo Christmas without you.

  9. Rhonda, excellent. Two more for the collection.

  10. I thought that Down South, cracker jokes were funnies about Poor White Trash.

  11. Lapin, Christmas cracker jokes. We use them here, too.


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