Saturday, January 3, 2009

Billie And Satchmo - The Blues Are Brewin'

Dedicated to MadPriest, the first martyr of OCICBW. He hardly ever reads my blog, so I could be the second martyr of OCICBW, but here it is anyway, even if he never sees it.

Oh, woe is me! But that's another song, isn't it?


  1. I recognised you, there in the audience. But who was that man you were dancin' with? It wasn't Grandpere!

  2. I don't know why they cut the damned thing off, but it was nice to see and hear part of it.

    What audience? I didn't see no audience. Let's see. In 1947, I was 13 years old, so I coulda been dancin' in one of the clubs in those olden days.

    Folks, I had to drag MP over here. He would never have come on his own.

  3. 13 years old?
    Unless you've been lying about your age all along. I know what you divas are like about that sort of thing.

  4. Pardon me, but the math is correct.

  5. But that would be your math and you are a woman, so your math probably bears little resemblance to the math the rest of the world adheres to. A bit like African time.

  6. I've seen many untrue allusions to my age by you, from older than Methuselah to the oldest woman in the world. You should know that les femmes d'un âge don't discuss their ages, and it's impolite ever to refer to their ages.

  7. Ah!!
    I sense you may be backing down on your original assertion.
    But you're right and I won't push it. In any case I'm not convinced that you wouldn't have been hanging around jazz musicians at 14 years old. I mean, you do come from the South. Back in those days you could have been married, quite legally, by then.

  8. I left out certian. Should be les femmes d'un certain âge. You rattle me so when you visit, MadPriest. I am most conscious of the honor bestowed on my humble blog.

  9. My lord, you had an actual conversation with the MadOne, Mimi. I am so jealous!

  10. Susan, MP and I riff like this from time to time, but nearly always at his place. I was trying to cheer him up a little.

    Some folks think we are quarreling, but this sort of thing is all in fun. However, we've had our share of genuine quarrels, too, but we've always got back to being friends again.

  11. Yes, I know Mimi, but I'm still jealous!!

  12. Susan, I know what I can say. Start a real blog, Princess Ida.

  13. As I said earlier, I don't think my brain works well enough. And I am not nearly well read enough to come near to the ones I read. I would be sitting here all day long! Besides, I was just makin' a joke.

  14. OK, I'll have to dedicate a song as well. You've inspired me once again, Gram. Wasn't Billie wonderful? (A mess too, but still wonderful).


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