Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Good Luck Chinese New Year Ox Year 2009 animated glitter graphic, picture, image for Myspace comments, Orkut, Friendster, Hi5.
Good Luck Chinese New Year Ox Year 2009

People born in the Chinese New Year of Ox, 2009 will preponderantly have the below mentioned traits in their character: Leadership qualities, dependable, great organizers, loyal, patient as well as strong and responsible. They are also some of the best people one can have as colleagues in the work place as they are believed to posses strong work ethics and display their creative side as well, especially when it comes to decorating their home.

Since the people born in the Ox year are also trusted to be reliable and logical, people generally turn towards them for suggestions and guidance. Their honesty and eye for details also helps them to prove their worth both in the workplace as well as in their personal lives.

Sounds good to me. But wait!

However there are a few negative traits associated with the character of the Ox that also is reflected through the people born in the ox years. Attributes like being narrow minded, stubborn, with low public relations skills and also very far from being emotional are generally associated with people born in this year.

From 123 Chinese New Year.


  1. I was born in the year of the bunny. Cottontail, I am sure.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Speaking of being a dog, have you seen +Clumber's latest post?

  4. 祝您新年快樂 ,恭喜發財 ,萬事如意!

  5. Wilfried, the same back to you.

    Oh dear! What did I just say?

  6. "A pox on all your Godless heathen houses!"

    Well no, actually, "Here's wishing you a Happy New Year, prosperity, and success in all things!"

    More or less.

  7. Wilfried, I've been practicing to say that for days now, I still get funny looks when I try!

    I'm a rooster too.

  8. Mimi, this gets stranger and stranger. Not only do we share the same birth date, I'm a dog too!

  9. Ruth! We're twins separated at birth by a good many years. It's spooky.

  10. Woof! Me to. (Is that why I loves me some Rowan and cried when Grendel went to heaven and have a crush on Scout?) Blessed Laika, pray for us.

  11. Paul, St. Laika is our very own patron, but we are generous, and we allow those outside the circle of her special friends to ask for her intercession, too.

  12. Monkey. Said to be very creative, but easily discouraged.

  13. MadPriest, I can count on you to drop in about once in six months to spread your own special brand of cheer.

  14. He came by my place too. Must be his week in the U.S. South. Hi again, MP.

    I'm a dragon!

  15. I'm a dragon!

    Jane, we know! We know! Pity the poor students.

  16. Also known as the Buffalo, the ox is both patient and meticulous with strong principles, and as such tends to be very stubborn. The ox is extrememly strong, and an excellent worker.

    However, these traits also make the ox stubborn, and their sense of self reliance makes it difficult for them to ask for or to receive assistance. Don't go looking for an evening of scintilating conversation from an ox as they are poor conversationists, and unfortunately don't have much of a sense of humour either.

    Oxen are ruled by conviction, and they are not often swayed from their beliefs. The ox's ability to criticise others for their own shortcomings is well known. The ox is not very good at coping with its emotions, and can become introverted and self-destructive when they fail to find a way of expressing their feelings.


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