Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Hair Is Too Long And Too Wild

Today, I went at the wrong time for my appointment to get my hair cut. The appointment was at 11:30 AM, but I went at 1:30 PM. I wrote the time on my pad on the regrigerator, but that seems not enough, because I didn't look at the pad. I forgot a previous appointment in the week before Christmas. That was a wild week, and I forgot to write the time of the appointment on the pad.

After today, I was beginning to worry about myself. Am I getting senile? In addition, I'm usually running late when I keep the appointments - altogether an unsatisfactory customer. Will my hairdresser ban me for missing so many appointments?

I had to do a little shopping, and the wind is blowing hard today, so I really looked as wild and crazy as I felt, with my out-of-control hair blowing in the wind, like Phyllis Diller at her worst, if you're old enough to remember that. I began to think about what distracted me from my appointment today, and I realized that I am furious that our ambassador to the UN cast the only "no" vote to a resolution asking for a cease-fire in Gaza. Not a settlement, not an armistice, but a cease-fire to get humanitarian aid into Gaza. I want the killing and maiming to stop, at least for a while.

Lord, have mercy.


  1. Bush and his deceptive accomplices will keep trying to harm humanity right up to the end of the reign of stupidity, on January 20th...all will continue to done in the name of their inability to be deceit and to lead honorably. These men have blood on there hands.

  2. Ann, that was no joke. That's what I looked like. As you see, I updated my post to show the truth of the matter. Thank you. You always come through in the crunch.

    Leo, I'm afraid that the carnage will continue until Jan 20. I don't know if I can bear that.

    And what happens after the inauguration?

  3. Like all thoughtful and intelligent people, you're just a little absent minded.
    If my head wasn't bolted to my neck, I'd have lost it a long time ago.

  4. Counterlight, you're a dear. Thank you. That's what I needed to hear.

  5. My mother could have written your post. I had to remind her that the problem is keeping track of everyone else's appointments and schedules, on top of her own. I also programmed appointments into her cell phone to ring an alarm an hour before- that is the only thing that keeps me organized while running around with my kids.

  6. My hair is standing on end, too, as I listen to the news coming from Gaza. (It doesn't help that I am also overdue for a haircut.)

    With the pictures in my head of dead, maimed and screaming children from the bombed UN compounds, It was tough to get through the psalm (#72) at the Epiphany service this evening: "For he shall deliver the poor when he crieth: the needy also, and him that hath no helper. He shall be favourable to the simple and needy: and shall preserve the souls of the poor. He shall deliver their souls from falsehood and wrong: and dear shall their blood be in his sight..."

    After eight years of the Bush nightmare, maybe we U.S. citizens should all have our hair grey and standing on end. (Some of y'all will have to rub ashes in your hair, but Mimi and I are already there.)

  7. Haircut today at 11:00 AM! I think I have it straight, but I'm calling as soon as their place opens to make sure.

    Mary Clara, perhaps we should declare a national day of repentance and mourning, with prayer, fasting, and sackcloth and ashes.


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