Saturday, January 17, 2009


The Barack Obama family on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial last Saturday

Tonight, after we came home from the play, I viewed parts of the videos of President-elect Barack Obama's train ride from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Washington, DC. The adjectives which came to mind as I watched him give his speeches were: poised, self-assured, graceful, magnetic, at ease. I could go on.

And then, I remember Counterlight's words, "Never fall in love with a politician". Well, maybe for only a few days? Would that be all right?


  1. Over the holidays, my 37-year-old son told me I was obsessed with Obama. He was right and he made me realize I had never fully explained my obsession.

    I told my son that Obama was giving me a chance to hep build a brighter future for this country, for my children and for my granddaughter.

    Like so many others, I knocked on doors, made countless phone calls and was one of those small donors to the campaign. But it is the aftermath of the campaign that has proved to be my biggest obsession. Across the country, those devoted volunteers have come together and continued the vision Obama laid out for us.

    We continue to hold meetings, we host service events and we are actively involved in local politics. Not that many of us didn't do this before, but now there is a new energy and a new determination.

    Our group here in Pinellas County, Florida is getting ready to paint the inside of the local Boys and Girls Club, on Monday I read to 130 preschoolers at one of our local Head Start Centers (in groups of 15-20) and gave each of them a new book to take home, we are in the early stages of starting a Healthy Kids Program, similar to the one in Santa Cruz, CA. and a new food donation program.

    I continue to receive weekly phone calls from the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC) with advice and additional resources. They set up the website, which has allowed us to find additional volunteers for our events.

    Yesterday I received a video message from President-elect Obama about these grassroot efforts and they have named it "Organizing For America" and have informed us that more information will be sent in the next few days.

    So, not only will I be watching what the Obama Administration will do in Washington, I will be watching to see who is listening to his message and getting involved in their communities. As Obama has said, it will take all of us to bring change to this country.

    Do I love Obama? Yes. My adjective for him? Inspirational! Do I think the road will be easy? No, but I believe that with all of us working together we can bring about positive change. It is time to set aside our differences and work together for the common good.

    Sorry for the long comment Mimi, you can see I am passionate about the opportunity that Obama has presented to us. He is giving us the tools and resources we need to follow the teachings of Gandhi, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

    So, don't just wait to see what Obama will do to bring about change, ask yourself what you will do.

  2. Rhonda Renée, don't apologize. The comment box is for those who comment.

    I saw Obama's video, too. It was impressive.

  3. I'm still in love with Bill Clinton.

  4. Lindy, that's fine. We can still be friends. The big question is whom does Rowan love?


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