Thursday, January 22, 2009

Please Pray For David

I could stand being on y'all's prayer list for the next week. There are rumors of job cutbacks here at work and I don't know how severe they'll be. So prayers for my continued employment would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks, David

David, of course we'll pray. Many of the folks whom I know who still have jobs are quite concerned about losing them.


  1. Absolutely, David. You got 'em.

  2. David, I've never lost a job that I didn't soon find a better one waiting for me. Then again, I've never lost a job in this kind of economic environment. I will continue to pray that the next week will always find you in a secure productive position. God promises care for us, claim that promise as yours.

  3. Sigh.

    If only my experience didn't completely contradict your certitude, thejanet.


    Unemployed 21 months and counting...


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