Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Gunfight at the OK Corral?

However, most everybody pictured Vice President Cheney next week heading out of Dodge after the inauguration and virtually four decades of inside government experience -- and fishing, enjoying Wyoming, family, six grandchildren, hunting, all that.

He will.

But Cheney, the silent sly one who's words were mostly saved for the ears of the president, just told Sean Hannity today that he's seriously considering writing a book.

"I never have," Cheney said. "and my family has been bugging me about it. I've got 40 years since I came to town to stay 12 months. I've got a lot of stories to tell. And a few scores to settle."

From the Los Angeles Times Blog


  1. Sounds like it will be a collection of vengeful haiku.

  2. "Dick's Collection of Vengeful Haiku". This I must see. I may have to buy it.

  3. Göran, excellent! And English is your second language! Or third or fourth, for all I know. I couldn't do half as well.

    Would that Cheney had only stayed in town for 12 months!


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