Monday, February 23, 2009

And Good News From Arkansas!

From ABC24-CW30 EyeWitness News:

CLARKSVILLE, AR (AP) - Arkansas Presbyterians have endorsed a church constitutional amendment that would allow non-celibate homosexuals to serve as ordained ministers, elders and deacons.

The 116-64 vote for the rule change within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) took place after a debate on Saturday, February 21, 2009 and was greeted with silence.

The denomination's national General Assembly approved the amendment in June; the measure goes into effect if a majority of the church's 173 presbyteries approve it.

The Presbytery of Arkansas has roughly 15,300 members. It narrowly rejected a similar proposal in 2001.

The times they are a-changin'.

Thanks to Keakin, who is from Arkansas, in the comments.


  1. Update:

    Second Presbyterian Church in Little Rock has just ordained its first openly gay deacon today, two days after the vote

  2. Wow! That was quick. That's great news, Hillbilly.

  3. Great news indeed, on both counts.

  4. Good news. Let's keep an eye on the other presbyteries. Wouldn't it be something if the Calvinists got on board before the Anglicans...

  5. Wouldn't it be something if the Calvinists got on board before the Anglicans...

    It might jolt us (or shame us?) into action.

  6. Lutherans did something like this too. a kind of "local option".

  7. It's surely a step in the right direction, Diane.


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