Saturday, February 28, 2009

David Brooks On Jindal Speech

I'm sorry , but I must do it. A good definition of an obsession, don't you think? Besides, David Brooks (he who turns my brain to mush) is my favorite NYT columnist.

Mike the Mad Biologist says:

While I almost feel sorry for him, what the hell is Brooks thinking? "A promising politician?" Your guy is a creationist and believes in casting out demons. Sweet baby Intelligent Designer, I had to use the post tag of "Demonic Possession" to talk about the man. Jindal is a f**king loon. That's your problem, not the delivery or the strategy.

I never feel sorry for Brooks.

UPDATE: In the interest of truth, I add that Bobby is not a creationist, but an advocate of teaching Intelligent Design in the science classroom.


  1. Gracious of you to note that he is not a creationist, just a hater of science and decent education [my words, not yours].

    Josh Marshalll has been following the exaggeration angle in Piyush's little talk and it seems it was not a mere slip; he's done it before.

    No sympathy for Piyush the Poseur or Bobo Brooks.

  2. Paul, I've been monitoring TPM on Jindal. They've done good work. I knew Josh back when his was a one-man blog, and he answered my emails promptly. I believe he was intrigued by having a south Louisiana granny write to him.

  3. Mimi, Frank Rich also nailed Jindal in his NY Times column yesterday, "The Agony and the Ecstasy."

  4. Actually, Mimi, according to the Dover decision, ID is equivalent to being a creationist... the whole ID thing was a sales job to rebrand an old idea and then sell it to the U.S. of Stupid and drive a wedge into the science classroom. The creation myths (of all the ancient civilizations) are lovely poetry. They are rotten science. Bobby Jin-Click is either lying and trying to appease the right wingnuts or he is not well versed in scientific issues., or he is just clueless.

  5. +Clumber, the difference is that Jindal doesn't think that the earth is only 6000 years old and that man walked the earth with dinosaurs.

    However, you are dead right about him wanting to drive a wedge to insert religion into science classes.

  6. No, that just doesn't make him a young earth creationist... there are flavors of this lunacy. There are some that believe that God created the stuff around us, like fossils, to "look old", because that's how they square the creation stories with science. Others think that's not quite right, but believe that untestable guesses about the origin of the universe and earth belong in a science class. Jin-Click needs a scientific exorcism to get those bad thoughts out of his head... The fossil record is pretty incredible, and keeps getting better, but they keep coming up with new "demands" on science to prove their theory, which they want to use in a murder mystery sense, not in a scientific sense. You can pick them out because they say stuff like "Well, evolution is only a theory. You do have one smart cookie down there in the swamp though, Barbara Forrest... she testified at Dover and really knows the ID crowd well. Invite her over for some gumbo and chat about Jin-Click, maybe...

  7. +Clumber, who am I to argue with a canine bishop? Whatever you say. Did you know that he graduated with an honors degree in biology from Brown University?

    I'll have to look Barbara up.

  8. Well if he is okay with ID teaching in science classes he ain't with a bucket of spit as a biologist. It's a good way to set the kids in Louisiana back 5 years in their science education, and piss off the teachers too.


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