Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Faux News Didn't Like Jindal's Speech

From Think Progress:

BRIT HUME: “The speech read a lot better than it sounded. This was not Bobby Jindal’s greatest oratorical moment.”

NINA EASTON: “The delivery was not exactly terrific.”

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: “Jindal didn’t have a chance. He follows Obama, who in making speeches, is in a league of his own. He’s in a Reagan-esque league. … [Jindal] tried the best he could.”

JUAN WILLIAMS: “It came off as amateurish, and even the tempo in which he spoke was sing-songy. He was telling stories that seemed very simplistic and almost childish.”

When you're a Republican, and you've lost the members of the panel at Faux News, you're in deep doodoo.

Think Progress has a compilation of the "lowlights" of Jindal's speech on video at the link above.


  1. The deer-in-the headlights look, combined with a blatant insincerity, didn't help Jindal much. The loathsome Krauthammer has to have his own dog in the fight, otherwise he'd be praising Jindal to High Heaven, regardless of the facts.

  2. Krauthammer is a piece of work, all right. Jindal was far worse than even I thought he would be, and I knew he would not do a good job.


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