Saturday, February 7, 2009

If Humor There Shall Be...

then the humor shall be dark.

Don't blame me. Blame Doug.


  1. Ha!

    At our reception just after our wedding, a clergy spouse said essentially the same thing to me. As I stood in the "receiving line" she hugged me and said, 'enjoy this time--it's all down hill after this..."

  2. All right, now. That's getting into the spirit of the moment.

    SCG, that's brilliant.

  3. Here today and gone tomorrow. If you can handle that, you're OK.

  4. As I have said more than once...the triumph of hope over experience.

    And I should know...

  5. Dark humor can really help in dark times (and sometimes in lighter ones). Let 'er rip.

    And yet Doxy reminds us of that fragile yet persistent thing: hope.

    Grace and light surround those struggling in dark places.

  6. Hello Grandmere Mimi,

    I'm here from Maddy's. Just to give you a virtual hug and let you know I'm sending up prayers for you and your sweet family.


  7. One of my favorite moments from "All In The Family":

    "Edith, how do you and Archie do it? How do you keep the magic in your marriage? When you and Archie are together, do you see fireworks? Is it like the Fourth of July?"

    "With Archie and me, it's more like Thanksgivin'"

  8. Love it! ;-D

    [You don't have to have had a marriage that ends in abandonment to enjoy this poster . . . but it helps.]


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