Monday, March 16, 2009

A Lovely Gift In The Comments

Brian R said...

Lord, you are in all of your creation. Protect and guide Mimi as she sets out to travel. Make her ways safe and her homecomings joyful. Let her have your wisdom so that she makes good and right choices in all the places that she goes. Give her safe traveling companions and let her not be lonely. Amen.

Thank you from my heart, Brian.


  1. You are in my prayers for safe travels. Do have a great time!!

  2. Me too! I'll wave you onwards (and arrange for a grand salute) when you pass through Picadilly Station (Manchester)

    Robert (works 100yds from there)

  3. Amen! Safe journey, Mimi.

  4. Two Auntees and Whiteycat, thank you.

    Robert, lovely. I'll give a royal-like wave of my hand in return.

  5. What BrianR said. "Flights of angels", Mimi (but, y'know the kind that touch down in the UK, but will carry you back to us Stateside!).

    Re MP: *if necessary*, kick him the b*lls. All's fair.... ;-/

  6. HF, I love the prayers. Keep 'em coming, please.

    JCF, LOL. "Flights of angels"! I know you wish me well, love, but Hamlet is dead in the scene, you know.

    I'm not kicking anyone "over there". I'm going to be good.

  7. Has anyone considered WARNING the Brits that a true force of nature is descending upon them?

    Don't mess with Gran'mere!

  8. Yes, what Brian wrote is what I have wanted to say but had not found the words. Vaya con Dios, abuelita.

  9. Doorman-Priest said on Facebook that Hurricane Mimi was headed "over there". Is that warning enough?


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