Friday, March 13, 2009

Please Pray For Hillbilly, Mrs H., and Sprout

From Arkansas Hillbilly:

Eternal Optimist, But...

I'm also the eternal worry wart. Mrs. H. finally got ahold of the nurse at the clinic. Turns out that the quad screening they did says she has too much pregnancy hormone, meaning:

a) She's a week further along than they thought, which is why they want to do the ultrasound early...

b) Sprout has Down's Syndrome...or

c) Sprout is actually Sprouts (twins)...

I'm more worried about option (b) right now, and of course, Mrs. H. is beside herself with worry. The clinic couldn't get her in for an ultrasound today, and they don't do them on Fridays, so Monday was the soonest they could get her in. So we get to go through the entire weekend worried sick. So if y'all could keep us in your prayers, I'd be much obliged.

Please leave your comments for the family at the link above. Thanks.


  1. Thank you all for your prayers. I'll let you know what happens at the Monday ultrasound as soon as I am able. Hopefully, she's just further along than they think.

  2. Hillbilly, you're quite welcome. Do keep us informed. A word at your blog will be fine.


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