Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rock Of Ages

This morning, I arrived at church late again. My clergy friends, you would probably consider me a very annoying parishioner. Some of you lay folks would, very likely, not appreciate my habitual tardiness either. I try to enter quietly and not make a fuss, but still....

Busy as I was, and late as I was, I had to go to church this morning. I have a great longing for the Eucharist, and I didn't want to miss altogether. Plus, my priest prayed with me for a safe trip, which I wanted very much, too.

The Lenten hymns seemed somewhat dreary today, so when we sang "Rock of Ages" for our closing hymn, it was close to a jubilation for me. Besides, I very much needed to be reminded of the Rock of Ages.


  1. Mimi, every parish has a few who are habitually late. It's never bothered me, but it does bother my dog Isabelle. When she is permitted to be in church and notices someone coming in late, she barks at them so everyone knows. No sneaking in when she's there. I had one parish where a parishioner was at least 15-20 minutes late. One day Isabelle spotted her through the glass doors and wouldn't stop barking until she actually came in and sat down. Even the petting and offers of treats from the head of the Altar Guild (who sat with Izzie on Sundays) shut her up.

  2. MA, I'd die! Or maybe I'd reform. Who knows? That could do it.

  3. Izzie has other endearing qualities. If anyone mentions "cookies" during announcement time, she will bark (I think she means where are they?). She snores loudly during my sermons (probably means they're going on too long or way too boring) and occasionally she'll hide under the altar, hidden by the frontal, only to come out during the distribution of the elements. At that point she will follow me and sniff at the people kneeling at the rail. She's been banished from the late service (can't figure out why). The early service people love her presence (again can't figure out why). Have a great trip and don't worry about being late. Most of us have a great tolerance for that. I figure if someone gets there in time for communion, it's ok.

  4. Did everyone sing Rock of Ages today? We sang that also.

  5. Us too. Great hymn.
    Be well, Mimi; travel safe, return blessed... T

  6. MA, I arrived after the first reading, however, I'm usually earlier than that.

    WC, that's Episcopalians for you.

    Tobias, thanks. You know me, don't you? I arrived at your church after you started the sermon, but just after. I heard nearly the whole of it, which was excellent.

    Folks, Tobias was a thespian, you know. He uses his gifts in preaching, but nothing over the top - all in impeccable taste.

  7. WhiteyCat, no offense with the initials. I'm reminded of what the two letters stand for "over there".

  8. Not to worry. Have a GREAT trip and return safely with many stories.

  9. Well, you know what they say: What comes after the Opening Collect? The rest of the congregation. . .

    En la Misa a las 10:30, we usually start with seven to eight folks and are up to about forty by the Offertory.

  10. Late for church? Isn't that the one unforgivable sin? A crime against the Holy Spirit? I'd be real careful not to mess with Her, Mimi. Any rector will be much more understanding than Shekinah. ;~) Have a great time "O.T." My best to Doorman-Priest and his lovely wife, as well as Mr. & Mrs. MadPriest. Take plenty of pictures.

  11. Grandmere --au contraire --I love seeing the people--don't care what time they come in... just really glad to see them. I am glad you went.

    blessings, and yes, take lots of pictures!

  12. Padre, that's my kinda church!

    Elizabeth, I pray that my tardiness doesn't grieve the Shekinah, because if so, then I'm done for.

    Margaret, way to go! Pictures will come, thanks to El Padre's reminder. I almost forgot about my charger for my camera battery.

  13. Do you feel like some sort of OCICBW ambassador from the Colonies? I can't wait to see the pictures, I love England.

    I was late to church yesterday as well. In the States when I had to drive almost a half hour to church, I was always early. Now that I have to walk a block from the apartment, I'm always late. Well, yesterday when I arrived, it was SRO. I had to go find a chair to add. Maybe I'll learn. BTW, no "Rock of Ages".

    Have a fantastic trip.

  14. We sang "Rock of Ages" here, too, at the Cathedral Church of the Incarnation in Baltimore.
    Wow! It's been years since I sang that. I could feel all my Baptist and Methodist ancestors singing along with me.

  15. Sara, oooh! An ambassador! I hope I represent The Colonies well. I wouldn't want to embarrass all of you.

    Mary Clara, I wonder if the Presiding Bishop sent down an order for the hymn to be sung at all Episcopal Church services.

  16. :)

    here, her name is "Mary". After the 8, she hands me the latest newspaper clippings.

    We're rather more "upbeat". We've been learning Haugen's "Let us build a house," and...

    god bless us all...

    it will replace "Jesus Christ is ris'n today" as the procsssional hymn on Easter Sunday...

    how's that for a "we'll keep you dearly in our prayers" kind of post, grandmere?

    don't be late, now, y'hear?!


  17. don't be late, now, y'hear?!

    Gonna try not to miss the plane.

  18. Shechina is pretty much on your side, I think. I am glad you were able to go. Better late than never.

  19. Lindy, thanks. I hope you're right. Better late than never, indeed!


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