Friday, April 17, 2009

From My Granddaughter

A cowboy rides into town on Friday. He stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How does he do this?

My grandchildren have been out of school all week. Spring break, I suppose. We took them to Western Sizzlin', renowned for its gourmet food, for lunch today. It went rather well, all things considered. The restaurant is not far from my house, and the kids and I walked home. Grandpère did not want them in his truck with their messy frozen yogurt cones. The weather was lovely, a breezy spring day, so we made a good choice.

The children are on my desktop, which I much prefer, and I'm on the laptop. I posted this, only partly finished, at OCICBOV by mistake and had to delete it. See. I'm already confused.


  1. Friday is the name of his horse. I only have one grandchild and don't get to see him often, but even one is a handful. Confusion reigns.

  2. Amelia, what a spoiler you are. I did not get it. GD had to give me the answer.

    I'm glad that all six of mine live nearby. The farthest away is 45 minutes. The two here today live in the same town.

  3. I got it because I love jokes kids tell. One of my favorites is "What's red and green and goes 100 miles and hour?" Answer: "A frog in a blender." Yuk. Have to think like a six year old.

  4. It's a Truck, not a frigging Limousine.


  5. You can always change the above post in photo suit/shop/etc. and make $$$$!!!!

    Add a photo or two,...GET WITH IT,... T E C,...HIGH TECH HERE!!

    Gotta outwit the Schismatics...loll!!

    (won't take much, they're still living in 1975) ...Pisses pants laughing!!

  6. I pulled that riddle on my wife, and she just got angry. But I couldn't figure it out either.

  7. Ormonde, I guess I don't blame your wife too much. Once I heard the answer, I felt stupid for not getting it.


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