Monday, April 20, 2009

Please Pray For Roseann And Barbara

Afternoon Mimi,

I have an update on Roseann. She's on her way to St. Vincent's Hospital with and fever of 103.


Oh, no!


Barbara wrote me today after her visit to the Surgeon and apparently the Radiologist.

She says,"I went today for the surgeon to 'release' me - the stitches will dissolve - he said it looked good.

The radiologist was even more pleased with the incision and the amount to tumor removed. There were 2 lumps - one marble sized, one like a green pea. He also removed the biopsy 'scars' that were looking bad - not infected, just bad. So anyway, this Thursday I have a CT scan in preparation for radiation. They will make the 'cast' on Thursday too. The cast keeps you in the same position for each treatment. The radiologist said he might start the radiation next week too. So by May 2 or so, i'll start to have an idea how the chemo makes me feel. Hard to tell until it gets going ... The radiation - again it might be any number of treatments before the 'bad' stuff begins...

Please have everyone on both sides of the pond, keep praying... It is working so far."

Speaking for me, I think just knowing others are praying for, thinking of one is a great treatment.


Barbara is Susan S.' sister, who has a recurrence of breast cancer.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants Roseann and Barbara the help of your power, that their sicknesses may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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