Monday, April 6, 2009

From Doxy - Please Pray....

As I type this, David’s brother-in-law, Jim, is in emergency surgery. He apparently began experiencing paralysis today as a result of bleeding in his brain and was admitted to Neuro ICU in Charlottesville, VA, where the family lives. From the information we have gotten, the surgery is strictly to try and buy some time by stopping the bleed and releasing some pressure---the brain tumor itself is too deep to be removed.

I will be so bold as to ask your prayers for Jim, Ruthie, and the boys—and for the medical team. Apparently Jim was lucid and verbal before surgery and he had a chance to talk with both boys. My heart is breaking for all of them.



UPDATE: 1 a.m. report:

Judi (one of David’s three sisters) reports that Jim is awake from surgery, and Ruthie is with him. He is mentally alert and responding. We won't know more until tomorrow but are thankful for this.

And this came in while I was typing this note:

(From Judi) I just saw Jim. He's not yet fully awake and still has a tube in so he can't talk - but he squeezed my hand very firmly many times. The CT scan showed that they did what they thought they could do with the surgery. Ruthie is anxious for them to take tube out to see if he can talk. That will probably happen late morning.

Thank you for your prayers! I am mindful today that every moment we have with those we love is a gift.




  1. Thanks so much, Mimi. The latest news is that Jim is stable, but unable to take meds for the terrible headache he is experiencing. Prayers continue...


  2. Oh, Doxy, sorry about the pain. We'll pray about that, too.

  3. Prayers have continued from the first alert.

    Paul the BB

  4. I am just now on-board, Dox, but you, Jim, Ruthie, David, and the boys have my prayers.

  5. Prayers and more prayers for you all Doxy!

  6. And prayers from me, too.

  7. Prayers for Jim, David and Doxy, and for all affected.

  8. Prayers ascending.


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