Monday, April 27, 2009

Roseann Is Very Sick And Depressed

From Roseann:

Today at 12:23pm

I'm really sick hon. The blood cultures show all kinds of bacteria. They're going to have to remove my catheter nd put in a new one. I'll wrote more later. I'm so depressed and sick right now.

From Sue, with the caveat that she is 1200 miles away:

Mimi, This has become a terribly serious situation for Roseann, and by removing the catheter, and she didn't say which catheter, will help, but she is going to be on antibiotics for a while. I'm concerned for her depression.

I have no words except, please pray.


  1. I'm praying. Gracious and loving God be present with Roseann in her time of need; knowing that you are always present with us.

  2. Prayers, tears and love offered here too.

    je t'embrace chere Mimi


  3. Bugs is nasty (bugs is what we microbiologist call bacteria). Unfortunately and pace madpriest but they evolve much faster than we do. Catheters and other "appliances" are perfect surfaces for biofilms and other buggy preferences. A strong constitution, good doctors and meds, and good will are all important. Our most fervant good wishes for Roseann in this latest skirmish.

  4. Prayers continue for Roseann. The catheter is likely her dialysis catheter. They will have put in a temp to keep her dialysis going. Alas she does not have a strong constitution. She has bacteria in her blood and is at grave risk of going septic - which is what took Ian from Lisa. Also as a dialysis patient it is likely her "bugs" are more drug resistant.


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