Friday, April 24, 2009

"...There Is A Depth Of Evil...."

Rmj at Adventus wrote a series of thoughtful and thought-provoking posts on torture, including links, beginning with the most recent, which is linked above, going backwards from there. Or you can start with the earliest and read them in sequence, as they were written.

The post written today concludes with the words:

Yes, there is a depth of evil here that is very, very difficult to fathom.

Yes, there is.


  1. There is indeed, and it is very hard to fathom.

  2. Paul, you are no slacker yourself in writing well about the great evil of torture done by our leaders in our name.

  3. What with the "Is it OK to put a bug in a cell, when the prisoner has a pronounced fear of bugs" memo (so comparable to 1984), I was struck by Hannah Arendt's famous phrase: "the banality of evil."

    Lord have mercy!

  4. That a group of banal people at the very top of our government sat around debating degrees of torture is absolutely chilling.


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