Friday, May 1, 2009

Aspen Alley

Aspen Alley on Battle Mountain near Rawlins, Wyoming

Thanks to Ann. I asked Ann if the beautiful alley of trees led to her mansion, but she said no.


  1. And to think I missed such beautiful scenery by driving as fast as possible down I-80.

  2. Amelia, we missed it, too, twice. Sad.

  3. It is very close to I-80 but you would never know and we don't tell. LOL

  4. Ann, that's not very nice. But now the whole world knows, and it's all your fault. I guess I should have asked you first, but the photo was so pretty, I couldn't resist.

  5. Just kidding. But we do like to keep the place a secret - although the 30 below zero temps and the snow work just as well.


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