Monday, May 11, 2009

Doug Strikes Again!

Summer In Florida

Irving and Murray were sitting on the park bench one May day. "You know, Murray, I'm going to Miami Beach for the summer this year," Irving said.

"For the summer?" asked Murray. "Where are you going to stay?"

"The Horowitz-Carlton. They have good air conditioning. And it serves only kosher food."

"Sounds good. But is the food glatt kosher?"

"Yes, glatt kosher. I wouldn't eat anywhere else."

So Irving went to Miami Beach. After a few weeks, Murray became bored going to the park by himself, so he decided to surprise his friend by going down unannounced. He walked into the hotel and asked the desk clerk where he might be able to find his friend Irving.

"Right now he's in room 402 at the Sans Souci Hotel across the street," the clerk replied.

Murray hopped into a cab and headed for the Sans Souci. "I'm here to visit the person in room 402," he told the clerk.

"Do you mean Miss Murphy?" asked the clerk. "She's busy now."

"Uh, no, she's expecting me," Murray said, thinking quickly. He rushed up to room 402 and knocked on the door. A sparsely dressed redhead woman with a nice set of knockers opened it. And there was Irving, sitting at the edge of the bed in his underwear, in a bathrobe.

Murray was furious. "I'm shocked and I don't know what to say! A religious man like you! And you insisted you were going to stay at a kosher hotel!"

Irving looked at him as if he was crazy. "Why are you getting so excited? I don't eat here!"

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