Thursday, May 7, 2009

Joke Of The Day

Pictures and captions from the genius called MadPriest.

The Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) asked May 6 for a renewal of the Anglican Communion's process of listening to homosexual persons and those who struggle with the full inclusion of such persons in the life of the church.

From Episcopal Life.

In the US, the "listening process" has not yet begun in a number of dioceses. One wonders about the provinces of Nigeria, Uganda, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

UPDATE: If it's not to be about renewal in many place, lets hope that the Rev. Canon Phil Groves, the Facilitator for the Listening Process, can get the process going.

Groves said the process is "looking at new ways of moving forward." One effort will be to encourage the development of "theological resources, perhaps theological hubs around the world, to reflect on Scripture in the light of the traditions of that place, to reflect on the traditions of the church in the light of that place."

Another aim of the conversations, Groves said, is not just to have bishops talk, "but to have the people of those places engage one another in conversation."

"We expect hard questions to be asked of one another," he said. "We do expect some very difficult times."

Only a few people commented on the resolution. Jerusalem and the Middle East President Bishop Mouneer Anis questioned the goals of the Listening Process, saying that "if we are to achieve better pastoral care and combating homophobia, this would be an honorable achievement because I don't think we all know how to care for people with homosexual orientation and some [people] are actually homophobic."

"Homophobia is not good and it doesn't go with our Christian love at all," he said. "We should be loving, we should be caring for homosexuals." However, Anis said that the goal cannot be toleration of homosexual.

(My emphasis)

It ain't gonna be easy.

UPDATE 2: From Paul the BB in the comments:

I believe full implementation of the listening process is slated for the week following the last trumpet.


  1. Call him a genius and he'll become insufferable now.

    I believe full implementation of the listening process is slated for the week following the last trumpet.

    Paul the BB

  2. Paul, he'll become insufferable?

    The rest of your comment is genius.

  3. I agree with Paul the BB. It'll start sometime after the Apocalypse.

  4. That early? I figured it for later.


  5. Y'all are nuts, but what would I do without you?


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