Saturday, May 9, 2009

"One Word"

You must, you absolutely must read Fr Tobias Haller's address to Provincial Synod II in Albany, New York.

Here's a taste, but read the entire speech. I won't take "No" for an answer, and I promise you won't be sorry.

In the long run, there is no such thing as a solitary Christian. There is no Christian without the church, no church without Christ, no Christ without God. For as we believe that God is love, there can be no love without relationship. This love divine, all loves excelling, is the ultimate compassion — feeling-with — the love that embraces the other, that gives itself for the life of the other, that becomes itself in losing itself, saving its life in losing it. This is the embodied love of the Incarnation, the love that died on the Cross, the love that rose again from the dead, and in whom we will one day be raised: love that becomes so united with the beloved that the old categories that ruled the world — Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female — are overshadowed by the love which passes all understanding, yet shelters our hearts and minds under the shadow of everlasting wings.


  1. Maddy Prior says it this way...

  2. Scott, thanks. I can't watch the video until I get home. Slow wireless.

  3. Mimi, I thought it quite wonderful. He has a marvelous use of words.

  4. Amelia, I visited Tobias' church in the Bronx. He's an excellent preacher. He was an actor in another life, and he puts skills to use in his sermons - but nothing over the top.

  5. I am a word person, and this was wonderfully said. I would love tohave heard it - and the discussion that followed as in the comments that followed!


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