Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Refuting Dick Cheney On Torture

From Brave New Foundation:

Matthew Alexander was the senior military interrogator for the task force that tracked down Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq and, at the time, a higher priority target than Osama bin Laden. Mr. Alexander has personally conducted hundreds of interrogations and supervised over a thousand of them.

"Torture does not save lives. Torture costs us lives," Mr. Alexander said in an exclusive interview at Brave New Studios. "And the reason why is that our enemies use it, number one, as a recruiting tool...These same foreign fighters who came to Iraq to fight because of torture and abuse....literally cost us hundreds if not thousands of American lives."

I trust Matthew Alexander's word over Dick Cheney's on torture any old day, any old time.

What I can't understand is why the major TV media continue to give Cheney and his daughter air time to spew their lies. What's wrong with them?


  1. A most important witness! Casting out the BS.

  2. Göran, I'm sad that the only comment to the post comes from Sweden. I thank you for caring.

  3. Grandmère Mimi, I didn't comment to begin with because my head started spinning (picture Linda Blair) thinking who to hit with this interview first.

    We care. I think probably all your readers care. I care passionately about this, and I didn't post. I did, however, forward it to not just a handful, but a fist full of people. I'm sorry I didn't post sooner, but I'm posting now. And I thank you over and over for finding and sharing this one.


  4. Janet, thanks. I should have remembered that many read and just do not comment.


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