Wednesday, May 6, 2009

To ACC: Please Vote "No" On RCDC

We learn from the Episcopal Café that the Anglican Communion Deputy Secretary General Gregory Cameron, when questioned about the meaning of "church" in the Ridley Cambridge Draft Covenant now being considered by the Anglican Consultative Council, answered that "church" means "province" or the national church. However, he added that so long as the constitution and canons of the national church do not forbid it, he believes that individual dioceses may sign on to the RCDC, if the ACC passes it. The Joint Standing Committee of the ACC recommends passing the Covenant as is, without revision, all or nothing. I hope and pray that the vote by the ACC is against passing RCDC.

Tobias Haller says:

...[This Covenant] is a step backwards, and will prove to be a tool for division and fragmentation, rather than an instrument towards unity. Unless we all just sign up and get on with our lives, allowing it to serve its symbolic function with no real power over any of those who sign it.

Exactly. In addition, I fear that if RCDC passes, it will be used to exclude and punish. That's not my idea of a Covenant. I go back to my original question. Why do we need a Covenant at all?

We have the New Covenant of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Anglican Communion, we have the the Creeds, the Baptismal Covenant, the Book of Common Prayer for our common worship, the Instruments of Communion, and the bonds of affection which link together the various autonomous churches of the Communion.

It's true that the bonds of affection are strained at the moment, but will a coercive, exclusionary, and what I fear will come to be a punitive Covenant improve relations amongst the member churches of the Communion? I think not.

As Michael Russell says in the comments at the Episcopal Café, "Please ACC drown the whole thing or give it to a new committee."


  1. Lisa over at My Manner of Life, put it best. What they REALLY want is a motion that says, Resolved, we want The Episcopal Church (U.S.) kicked out of the Anglican Communion. So say it, already, and get over it.

  2. IT, I could not agree more. I'm a direct sort of person. All the tip-toeing around is getting on my nerves. Just say it, and be done.

  3. Mimi,
    Great minds think alike. I've been on a tear, too, saying that the ABC and the rest of the ACC should open their prayer books to the Baptismal Covenant and mark, learn, and inwardly digest what's there. That's the covenant. Period.
    Enough of this crap!

  4. I think it is a particularly bad idea. The best thing the ACC could do is nothing.


  5. Jim, what is a bad idea? If you're talking about Lisa's idea for a resolution, it will never happen. That's just our fantasy in the midst of our extreme frustration.

  6. Thanks, Mimi. I invite you to check out my latest on this, The Wrong Glue. I think we are thinking along the same lines. OC, ICBW.

  7. Tip-toeing around is the Anglican Way, Mimi.

  8. Susan, that's the reason I was asked only once to be a candidate for the vestry of my church. I don't do tip-toe well.


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