Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A True Blessing

Ostrich at Head in the Sand is troubled at this time by mental health problems. Pray for her that she heals and gets the proper help from the mental health care givers.

Also, she has a lovely poem of her very own posted, along with a gift of a blessing for those who have prayed for her, in the form of a video of John O'Donohue reciting his poem titled "Beannacht", which is wonderful and which I found to be a true blessing.

I posted a smaller version of the heading of her blog, because her larger version startles me every time I visit - just so you'll be prepared. She's quite benign and non-agressive, so don't be fearful.


  1. You are too kind Mimi, but there's no poem by me, just the blessed John O'Donohue.

  2. Ostrich, what is this if not a poem?

    One less than perfect Ostrich.
    Loved and loving.
    Hurt and healing.
    Scarred and scared.
    Prayerful and panicky.
    Silent and singing.

    Going cheep (sic).

  3. Umm... It was just a few thoughts.

    Point taken.

  4. Ostrich, you're a poet and don't know it, as they say.


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