Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Sick Girl And Rattus Norvegicus

What a fine finish to the day! Tonight, as I was walking, a rat ran out of the storm drain right in front of me. I screamed and scared the rat as much as the rat scared me, and he scurried back down the storm drain. I looked for a picture with a rat that was not too scary. Ain't he cute? He (I made him a boy) looks rural amongst the leaves.

Earlier, I picked up my granddaughter at school. It's her day to be at her mom's, but she is graduating from the 7th grade this year, and there was a party at school tonight. She wanted to get dressed at her dad's, because the clothes she wanted to wear were at my son's house. I was a little late to pick her up, but she was not the last child there. As soon as she got in the car, she began to cry. I said, "What's wrong?" She said that she was afraid that I would forget to pick her up, because it was not my regular day. That didn't compute. Even if I do forget, all she has to do is call, and I can be at the school in 10 minutes, tops. But I let it go. When she reached the house, she started to cry again. "What IS it?" She felt sick. She had a headache. I felt her head, and she was hot. We took her temperature, but the damned new-fangled thermometer wouldn't work for us, but I knew she had fever.

I gave her Tylenol and waited to see what she would say about the party, which I knew she would not be able to attend. She finally admitted that she could not go. To make things worse, tomorrow and Thursday, her class was going on field trips, and she was concerned that she would miss them, too. The grand wind-up of her time at her school, and she might miss most of the fun. Poor baby. She called her mom to pick her up, and off she went. I pray she feels better, and that she can make at least one of the field trips.

Image from Wiki.


  1. Sorry for your grand-daughter, will pray for a quick recovery.
    I have trouble with rodents in the kitchen. I do not scream just yell. They are not rats thankfully, about the size of a mouse and probably native to the local bush but NOT wanted in kitchen. I find they love ratbait covered with melted butter. If only they would keep to their own environment and leave me with mine, we could co-exist.

  2. What a disappointment for your granddaughter. I hope she's feeling better this morning and it was just a short-lived thing.

    As for rats, I read in The World Without Usthat rats would pretty much disappear if they didn't have us humans around to support them. At least they'd be kept in check.

  3. ACK! I hate rats!

    I hope your graddaughter starts to feel better soon. It is so hard being a little girl sometimes.

  4. imi,
    As the principal of a K-8 I realize the importance of these last few days and weeks, particularly to the issue of separation. AS each goes on their own way (some together and some alone) the opportunity to say good bye in their own way and on their own terms and in their own time really is critical. Prayers for your granddaughter, may she et well soon and have a really neat end to her time at school!

    PS: It appears the four-legged type is somewhat "cuter" than the two legged type.

  5. Good to have you back Grandmere.
    Hope your granddaughter is soon feeling well. So many ill chidren- as well as the usual seasonal bugs, chicken pox is raging here. Also, for the first time im many a year we are seeing a large increase in measles, due, no doubt to the MMRI scare of recent years.

  6. Poor thing. Hope she feels better fast. Ugh.

  7. My GD rarely gets sick, and when she does, she tends to freak out. Plus, she's 13.... I felt sooo bad for her.

    The varmits that come into the house are usually mice. In our former home, we had a sugar cane field behind us. When the farmer cut the cane, the mice lost their homes and made their way to new homes in our homes. We haven't been troubled with mice in the 26 years we've lived here.

    The field mice around here are kind of cute critters, with long back legs, but what I saw last night was an ugly sewer rat.

  8. It appears the four-legged type is somewhat "cuter" than the two legged type.

    Fred, indeed!

    Amelia, we humans are a trashy lot, aren't we?

    Thanks all for the kind words about GD.


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