Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Amurkans" Bash the Brits!

A lovely gift, just for me, from TheMe at Conscientisation:

US seniors bash Brits in memory test Enlarge photo

The trans-Atlantic gap, as measured in a "memory and awareness test," amounted to a decade of aging, according to the survey of 8,299 Americans and 5,276 Britons over 65.

75-year-olds in the US, in other words, scored far better than their sun-starved age peers, and equalled the performance of Brits 10 years younger, according to the study, published in London-based journal BMC Geriatrics.

Take THAT British pride! Of course, TheMe considers the study tainted and biased because it was conducted by an "Amurkan" university, as he puts it. But, I ask you, "Who exhibits bias in this instance?" The University of Michigan conducted the study. Michigan ain't no fourth rate bible college, you know.


The tests measured instant and delayed recall of a series of ten common nouns such as "tree", "village," "baby," etc. Participants were also asked what day, date, month and year it was.

I can tell you right off the top of my head the day, date, month, and year, and I do so know what a tree, a village, a baby, and etc. are. So there.

TheMe, when you reach my age, you'll be fortunate if you're one of the FEW Brits who can do that.


  1. Here's possibly why. Americans are scared to retire. So they keep working, keep busy and fear rules their lives. The British can relax at retirement, because we have a free at the point of use health service and other welfare (one huge exception to this) and so we tend to wind down earlier. I'm quite tired now and will go to bed.

  2. So you wind down your brains? Slouching toward senility doesn't seem like a jolly retirement

    I'm quite tired now and will go to bed.

    I would think so. It's the early morning hours "over there".


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